
October 19th-November 18th | Tuesdays & Thursdays | Grades 7-11
4:30pm - 5:30pm EST

The first part in a two-series lab for young filmmakers, aspiring and experienced alike, the Documentary Filmmaking Lab will equip students with the tools and experience necessary to craft a narrative, develop a script, plan a short documentary film, and ultimately captivate an audience with their storytelling abilities. Students will learn skills and hear stories from acclaimed documentary screenwriters, producers, and filmmakers alike, as they work with their instructors to develop a pitch and write a treatment for their very own short documentary film.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part series | Part 2, “Short Documentary Film Production,” will launch Summer 2021

Click here to view to Fall 2021 syllabus.

Grades 7-11 | 5:30pm - 6:30pm EST
Cost: $300 for ten 60-minute Zoom sessions

Enrollment Limit: 20 students per Lab

Seven “Pay as you wish” spots available